January 13, 2012

Mind-Mapping | Exploring Potential and Inspiration

Mind-Mapping | Exploring Potential and Inspiration
"It's stuck, stuck! Writing deadline, sketching deadline, photo-shoot ideas deadline. Argh! But today it was indeed i wasn't in the mood for doing anything. The ideas were not even show up! Oh God ... Give Me
Enlightenment Please!"

To explore, and find inspiration, and the spirit of work is not easy. As for lazed on a mattress or just watch the DVD series feels more fun than having to dwell on the idea that even does not turn up.

But don't get me wrong, a mood can be created. But what about inspiration? I guess that's not something you can 'wait' till it comes, Inspiration is something that should be 'cultivated'.


Mind-Mapping | Exploring Potential and Inspiration
Artist Theo Kemp is creating a Mind Map

Ever heard of a mind-mapping? You must already be familiar with this term, right? By the way, I've also been writing about the mind-mapping on this blog, you might want to read it here: Mind-Mapping in Graphic Design

Basically, mind-mapping is a useful method for maximizing the potential of the human mind in using the right and left brain simultaneously. Mind-mapping was introduced by Tony Buzan, a British development of human potential, in 1974.

mind mapping

Implementation of the 'mind-mapping' is already widely practiced. Some of these are within the scope of such activities: organizational management, learning, self-development, even to the field of writing.

Did you see the word 'writing' which I italic? It was not because of 'writing' is a foreign language anyway. It was more because of the most'intense' benefits of mind-mapping for me. Yes! the field of writing.

Yes, mind-mapping could be one solution when you're stuck and have no idea about what to write. Suppose you have a great theme, you could have made its branches. Of those branches, allowing you to get a lot of themes that can be explored and used as posts.

The Benefit and Solution

Humans tend to be more focused and interested in symbols rather than text. For some people who basically like to read, will probably be happy when presented with too many posts. He will devour all the writings with pleasure. After all, he likes to read.

But try to look back, when you're reading an article, whatever its form (articles, stories, short stories, news, etc.), certainly no denying that symbols such as images, emoticons, or even just a punctuation mark such as '!', '?', or '*' has managed to make your eyes feel fresh and keeps you reading the article, right?

Let us take another example. Honestly, if I personally, prefer to a meeting that in the delivery of it's material is conveyed through the images that make up the form and lines. From the start of the main themes to be conveyed, to the steps / branches in realizing the main theme. It will be easier to understand, and be more memorable, because of the location, color, and words in it so much longer stored in the brain.

Mind-Mapping | Exploring Potential and Inspiration
Mind-mapping Oren Jacob (Former Chief Technical Officer PIXAR)

Beyond its benefits as a binder of materials and ideas, mind-mapping can also be useful for the management of organizational and self development.

Mind-Mapping | Exploring Potential and Inspiration
Mind-mapping of Gabriela Bruno)


So, if freelancers which confused at self organizing and or confuse at their organization for completing the project either increasingly closer the deadline, Hey, do not worry be happy! Simply create a mind-mapping any sort of road map of the desired (goal) and what needs to be done to achieve these goals (means). And the project would be able to run and achieved optimally.

So freelancers, are there any that might have applied the mind-mapping method for an activity, or even any other way of doing the job? How did it go? Dit it according to the expectations? Please share with us. :)

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