April 1, 2013

5 Reasons Why Branding and Packaging is Still Important for Small Business

5 Reasons Why Branding and Packaging is Still Important for Small Business
A lot of small businesses are confused by the term brand. You may think that only big companies that should be concerned about the existence of a brand. But in fact not so, small and medium enterprises also need to build their brand. With the importance of branding and packaging for small business products, the brand will be more recognized by the public. Thus, brand and packaging strategy of small businesses more than just making tagline, slogan, or logo.

Why is Branding and Packaging so Important for a Small Business?

Why is Branding and Packaging so Important for a Small Business

Branding and Packaging to Make Your Brand Known by the Audience Even More

Branding and packaging makes your brand stronger and certainly created for client interaction. Brand is the key to buying because people are more loyal to the brand. Strong brand must be unique to make it more memorable. Strong brand no longer need the extra effort because they have won the competition for the target market.

Branding and packaging to attract the attention of your customers

Branding and packaging on the products of small and medium businesses attract more customers. Imagine a product that is packed with interesting in a store will surely attract more customers. Branding on a product will demonstrate professionalism and the quality of your product. Branding the product can be done using medium like print ad that would promote design as a primary weapon.

Many companies are conducting research on the color scheme, design and type of packaging in which the most interesting products to customers. It is quite obvious that an attractive design on the product packaging can encourage customers to choose your brand or product.

Branding and Packaging Facilitating Buying Decisions

Branding and packaging play a role to help facilitate a purchase decision. Branding and attractive packaging makes the potential customer interested in buying your products. Packaging on the product also serves as information about your product. This information is usually also helped facilitate the customer's buying decision.

Branding and Packaging Plays Major Role in Promotion

Branding and packaging plays major role as information on a product. Branding and packaging contribute tremendously to the promotion of a product. How would a product be marketed if it is not packaged properly and do not have any strategy to promote it. This is certainly a very big impact on the success of your product. Promotion is good through branding and packaging the product will be able to steer you to success in sales.

Branding and packaging makes your product different from other products

The strategy of branding and packaging makes a product different from other products. Branding strategy itself includes many things such as making a good website design, brochure or flyer design, branding on the interior business space, or branding on the business card design. Branding and packaging design which is good, interesting and eye catching to make your product different from other products in the middle of the competition. Packaging and branding of interest will make the customer be able to identify your brand amid competition with other products.

Starbucks has a strategy of branding and attractive packaging. Definitely will occur to you if the Starbucks's package were not designed as it is, or poorly designed; Surely it would not be as popular as it is today.

Aspect of the design is very influential on branding and packaging strategies, especially for small and medium businesses. Without good design and professional branding and packaging it will be difficult to succeed. Aspect of the design also plays a role in creating a different perception on a product that will lead to a purchase.

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