April 19, 2013

T-shirt Design as a Powerful Marketing Strategy

T-shirt Design as a Powerful Marketing Strategy
Talking about marketing strategy, many entrepreneurs out there that just focus on the pursuit of achievement as well as trying to make a profit as much as possible. This usually will spend a large budget, and often tend to be ineffective compared to the method of marketing via television commercials and magazine ads.

Although this marketing strategy is certainly necessary, but a careful entrepreneur will know that the biggest solution is not always the best. Today the marketing strategy that is simple and direct tends to give the best results.

One of the best examples is try to look around when you are in a mall and see what people are wearing. Count how many people wear a t-shirt with a brand such as Nike, Adidas, GAP and other popular brands in television and film. At once you see that the t-shirt is used as a powerful marketing strategy.

Say you are an owner of a company; you and your employees would have to wear clothes. You can use the t-shirt as uniform and it means the same as doing a good marketing strategy.

How T-shirt Design Can Serve as a Powerful Marketing Strategy

T-shirt Design as a Powerful Marketing Strategy

For instance at a networking event, the brand labeled t-shirt will make you stand out in the middle of a lot of people. The following are various reasons why t-shirt assessed as a powerful marketing strategy.

T-Shirt: Walking Advertisement

T-shirt can be a powerful marketing strategy because the t-shirt is walking advertisement, where every eye will see the shirt would also look at the brand of the company. For example, at a large event where thousands of people gathered: if you are wearing a shirt with the company logo of a company that is quite visible, then this equates to promote your company in the middle of thousands of people in attendance. That made the shirt as a walking advertisement and certainly very profitable for your company. Fact that the newly established company which pays some people to wear a t-shirt with company logo, and comes amid big event will instantly increase brand awareness. It is also described that the design is related to marketing.

Why do many companies do that? T-shirt valued as a powerful marketing strategy as well as the price is cheap, effective, promote unity that can make the people who wear them become brand ambassador for the brand. This is an investment for a business.

T-Shirt: Create a new conversation

When people think of a t-shirt or other types of clothing labeled with brand companies, they often think of a boring t-shirt. This of course can be prevented with creative t-shirt designs. More importantly t-shirt as a powerful marketing strategy should be able to create a conversation.

Like for example when you are wearing a club shirt of Manchester United, of course, this creates an opportunity for you to get to know other people who are also fans of Manchester United. T-shirt is able to create a conversation and draw people into a particular community. Likewise with the t-shirt company, you can begin to recognize and talk to others about your brand begins with a t-shirt.

T-Shirt: Attractive

Many companies say that their biggest challenge is getting the revenue and recruit talent. T-shirt are considered as a powerful marketing strategy that is not only able to promote your brand to potential customers but also able to attract talent. Well-designed corporate shirts proven to attract attention, and is useful for recruiting new employees.

T-Shirt: Flexible

T-shirt as a powerful marketing strategies because t-shirt able to promote a brand anywhere, and anytime, even when not in use though. You could just display your company t-shirt in the office window so that your company logo can be visible to others. Many things can be done with branded clothing and everything is profitable for your company or brand.


The whole point of these things is quite simple, that every opportunity can be a marketing tool if you want to think outside the box. Even some of the marketing strategy is quite cheap, easy and fun.

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