Contribution of Colors in Visual Communication & Everyday Life - investigated the use of color as the essence of the object to interact with the world. Color is also used as a metaphor and symbolism because of its philosophical value. Understanding the meaning of the colors will strengthen its use in design work.

Color is one element that can not stand alone. Appearance of a color is always influenced and determined by the other colors around it. Color is also the first physical appearance to our eyes that distinguish something with something else, either inanimate objects or living things. We can see the color because of the interaction, or because there is interplay between the colors themselves. Blue color with the same lighting levels will look different appearance when placed on a different background or brought closer by a different color.

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Each color will create a different impression. By understanding the various things about the color, it will be easier for you to get a proper view of the full color itself, as caused by the color shades are very diverse, and the impression generated is also very diverse. From a wide range of colors available, as the most basic colors are red, blue, and yellow. Of the three colors can be converted into thousands of colors by mixing in certain comparisons in accordance with the desired colors.

As a result of mixing these colors will cause a reaction in the direction toward the dark and light in our eyes. The colors are mixed with blue will produce a dark color. While the colors are mixed with yellow and red will produce a lighter color. Such as having a yellow base color and yellow cadmium yellow lemon. Both are impressively different impression. Lemon color will seem soft, whereas cadmium seemed harder. So also in blue. There are several types of blue such as cobalt blue, ultra blue, marine blue, Prussian blue, cyan blue, etc.

Blue color when mixed with green color with a certain ratio would give the impression of cool. Cooler impression can be obtained by mixing blue with a slight purple color as in Prussian blue. Green color which contain a mixture of yellow will impress warmer than blue. Purple when mixed with the red will impress warm. Heat and light impression gained from mixing red and yellow. When red is mixed with blue or purple would be cool. When the yellow mixed with green or blue would seem cool. When the colors are mixed with white will obtain pastel colors that give the impression of comfortable, lightweight, soft and cool. When they are mixed with gray, it will cause distress and veiled impression.

Dark colors and bright colors will create a different impression. Dark color to your eyes will be analyzed by the brain, and produces the impression of cold. So in contrast with the bright colors will feel warm and hot. As we learned in physics where the red wavelengths are longer than the purple wave. That means a red color which is bright and hot, can more quickly caught the eye, rather than the color purple which seemed dark and cold. The colors which are categorized as hot colors are: yellow-green, yellow, orange yellow, orange, reddish orange and red. The colors which are categorized as cool colors are green, turquoise, blue, purple and violet blue.
In layout and interior, color and materials affect each other. Although each type of material already has its own character, but it also still needs finishing touches. The final touch is the coloring. For example, the color gives the impression of the clothes, so that the material looks striking, and its shape is more clearly visible. Sometimes the color can also obscure the character of the material.
The use of wood-based material which is given a touch of color will disguise the wood fibers. The use of color can also preserve the material, such as the use of color on ferrous materials that can prevent iron from rusting. The resulting effect of a color is to determine the look of a room and decorate furniture. Proper use of color will accentuate the shape and cover the deficiencies.
Black is for grief
There are certain colors that can represent our feelings. Such as grief, it's unethical if we wear clothes that are patterned or brightly colored. Because the bright color is a bright representative of the feelings, or excited. To represent it we usually wear black, because black is figured as death or deterioration. Death is not always represented by black. Death is a spiritual path leading to the higher degree, ie immortality.
Then the death can also be symbolized by the color white. Since white is a symbol of eternity, peace, happiness and purity. According to some tribal belief, black and white are two colors that have the highest degree. Of the colors of life begins, then proceed. White means pure, peaceful, clean, and black means strength and determination.
Grief is the opposite of happiness. People are always shrouded in a sense of happiness is when their days are filled with feelings of love. Love of neighbor and in the surrounding environment. Ordinary sense of love is symbolized by the color pink, the more we look at the celebration of Valentine's Day, everything was pink. Starting from the windows of shops, flower sellers, and sellers Valentine trinkets, knick-knacks, especially the youth needed to express her love to someone.
Color in direction, signage, and signal
Color is closely related to the behavior patterns of society. Such as giving instructions to a department, giving instructions and warnings. Traffic light stop signal instructed in red. Caution signs in yellow, and go with the color green.
Of some colors that have been implemented, we can review those aspects of the nature of color appearance. Red, orange, and yellow are hot, look more prominent and stimulating. The meaning of these colors are a danger warning and caution. While the colors green, blue and violet are cool-looking shade that is passive and silent. The significance of these warnings is a safe state.
Color in shape and speed
Color is also closely related to the shape and speed. This relationship has been investigated by the International Safety Colour Codes is an institute for occupational safety and traffic in New York, USA In the high-speed, red and yellow colors will be seen faintly.
Green and blue colors will be seen more clearly. Hence the traffic signs on the highway where the usual place to spur high-speed vehicle made a square written with white letters on a green or blue base. Rectangular shape is the form that appears to form a whole, quiet and stable. While the triangular shape sharp, comes with a directional nature. Gives the impression of a circle, rotating and moving.
Color in nature
Colors can also be learned from the natural phenomena we encounter in everyday life. Winter is dominated by blue, bluish green, the color of pure white snow, gray and black darkness. Spring is usually characterized by yellowish-green foliage and soft yellow shoots and buds. While in natural conditions on the upper side is dominated by the color blue.
In the summer sun shines full, deep yellow color dominates the field and the yard, the ground is brown. In late summer, the fruit begins to mature so that the trees decorated with red beads. Natural color of autumn begin to dim. The whole nature shrouded in gray mist. The yellow color changed to brown, brick red to red and then to violet.
Color and psychological
Color and human characters
From the standpoint of psychological science, the color associated with the human characters. People with extrovert character usually prefer hot colors and bright. Because that kind of person is usually open, more outward looking than inward, it is not difficult to receive new issues as a way of thinking leads to more aspects of a general than specific. While people with introverted characters may be more comfortable in cool colors and dark. People of this type are usually closed, more inward looking, difficult to accept new issues, preferring to settle on things that are specific rather than general.
Colors can also effect a sense to the viewer. Sun colors like yellow, red, orange and a single tone with it, could lead to a sense of warmth. Instead the cold can be caused by cool colors like blue, greenish blue, white and black.
Light colors like light yellow, light green, pink, bright blue and bright brown gives the impression of a cheerful young at heart. Dark colors like brown, violet, gray and green to give a sense of calm, giving rise to a desire for solitude.
As we have observed that the color of the universe can make it look closer, and away. This impression can be used to give the impression of the room to suggest a wider or vice versa, highlighting or pushing a wall, ceiling or furniture. The walls of a room with a light blue color that leads to gray to give the impression of 'away', so the room becomes more visible area. Instead a dark color such as orange which give the impression of narrowing.
Color in Room Decoration
To obtain a harmony of color, you should pay attention to the color comparison, is only by combining warm colors with cool colors, light colors with heavy color resulting in a contrasting color. Between bright and dark, clean and opaque, offset by a fastening element.
For example: in a room there is an orange sofa, and a purplish-blue lamp shades, wall and floor are white (the color of lights). So all of these colors will gain a level of brightness of the color white.
In providing color to the room, everything must have a color corresponding to the function. Where the walls and furniture serves as a supporting color. Wall as background, as well as a room divider should be light-colored to suggest away, and do not seem 'pressing'. The floor color must be able to support the furniture that will be arranged within a space. Small furniture can be used as a point of strong color. Of wood furniture is more easily adapted for almost any type of wood containing a neutral gray color.
The colors calm and gentle can be used for bedrooms, because according to its function as a space to relax with a high level of privacy. In the child's bedroom is preferred primary colors are bright, it is in accordance with the conditions of development of the growing child, and energetic.
While the kitchen serves as a practical work space and clean. Cleanliness of a household can be seen from the neatness and cleanliness of its kitchen. It can be applied by placing a white cupboard and a table with warm yellow walls. Brown color of the floor that could create the impression of cool. While the exciting impression can be obtained from red and orange colored kitchen tools.
The family room should exude a cozy warmth. Dark brown sofas combined with red brick on the curtains, and soft brown color on the floor. For color contrast can be obtained by placing some plants in space.
Color as a tool to create beauty and comfort of a building
Colors in the building helps to create the appearance of a building. Color is a tool to create beauty and comfort and can also be a pacemaker appearance of a building. Of the colors will talk functionality of the building and the impression you want to display. For example, the hospital building is identical to the color white. White is a symbol of cleanliness and hygiene.
In its development, many hospital buildings that are not always white. Mainly private hospitals that use many colors of soft pastels. This color is used to show the impression of a soft and comfortable, especially for patients who are treated there. And of course the hygienic cleanliness.
Kindergarten schools more dominated by bright colors. This is to create excitement and interest children in learning. There are also several residential buildings that use striking colors of their environment. This is to give a certain identity, and makes it easier for people who are looking for.
Color is a matter of taste and it is relative. That's the nature of color that always gives impression for human life. There is a dark color, light, bright, opaque, heat and cold. All can give color when combined in harmony.
Colors can not be separated from the design world and even of our daily lives. Colors can form mental expression and diversity of language communication. With the principles and color philosophy, we can implement the design work in communicating visually.
Each color can create a different impression. By understanding the various things about the color, will allow us to get a proper view of the full color itself. For shades caused by the color itself is very diverse, and the impression is very diverse-inflicted. From a wide range of colors available, as the most basic colors are red, blue, and yellow. Of the three colors can be converted into thousands of colors by mixing in certain comparisons in accordance with the desired colors.