The paper cups are quite effective and having an excellent importance in attracting customer and giving identification to your products within the world of trade goods. The texture, shape, color and design of those paper cups have an enormous place that makes your products stand out from other. Sometimes when you crossing road you discover someone having an ice cream of a famous brand and you find it in one look simply because of the logo, brand, design and style of their product. This can be the aim of suppliers to market business with the paper cup design.
Today we are going to showcase some inspiring Paper Cup Designs that really attract the consumers. Check these creative designs and get inspired!
Inspirational Examples Of Paper Cup Designs
Just my Cup of Tea
via BLOK4

"Just my cup of tea is a tea-bag integrated tea cup. It enables us to have a quick, spil-free drink on the run, without messing around with a tea-bag. It is easy to use, clean and reusable. Every cup can be used two times, then discarded into the paper bin and recycled to find its new life in another paper form."
via Lynn Nguyễn
"This completely adorable green tea packaging is targeted toward young adult females (13-25). Each flavour has been characterised with a unique character and distinctive wallpaper design. The structure of the package reflects the paper coffee/tea cup which will definitely enhance the shelf appeal and presentation."
Coffee / Tea Paper Cup Design
via Aycan Başar
The project's aim was to create visuals on paper cups of a coffee shop, by using only typographic elements. In order for solutions to be more unique the designer choose to use his own handwritten elements with different tools rather than existing digital fonts.
UCC Cup Labels
via Gabriel Shiguemoto
Illustrations made for UCC's promotional “Excellent Coffee — by UCC”. Paper cups used for sampling on bullet train stations in Japan.
Eco coffee cups
via elaine may
"A series of paper cups that will make you think twice before throwing it away. Each paper cup is decorated in its own unique illustrations relating to a sustainability theme and contain strong messages that give the paper cup a purpose. This set of coffee cup will fill you with inspiration 24 hours 7 days a week. The design concept introduces entertaining characters, thoughts, actions and words that are related with sustainability. Each cup uses 2-colour printing and the colour combination brings the characters alive."
NOSTRO packaging
"As customers frequently wish to carry their meal with them, the requirement of developing a novel packaging emerged; a box in which cakes and coffee can fit that enables customers to carry it in one hand. The coffee-holder – which can optionally be removed – fits to all three paper cups; a special insert inside the box makes handling cakes easier and it also prevents them from sliding onto each other during transport."
Paper Cups
via Pavel Gubin

Paper cups for hot drinks.
High Tea Paper Cups
via Lindsay Hore
Paper cup design with template.
ABC Paper Cup
via Sunhan Kwon
"‘ABC Paper Cup’ takes a break from the conventional paper cup design that sometimes makes you confused with which one you are using when you are having a party or etc. ABC Paper Cup suggests you how to remember your own cup easily by featuring a unique design of fourteen varieties with English alphabets from A to Z."
Typography Paper cup
via Kok Keong Tan
Limited edition typography paper cup design.
Paper Cup Design for "Eco Products"
via Ekaterina Makarova
Paper Cup design for ECO-Products.
Volkswagen Paper Cup Design
via Teesha Shrestha
200ml Paper Cup Design for Volkswagen.
Paper Cup Packaging Design
via Ozan Erten
Typography Paper Cups.
2010 - Cococup
via Sébastien Maleville
"How to reduce the waste from coffee-to-go paper cups?By stopping using paper. Cococup is a solution that is using coconut shell as a base material for the cup, it is natural, abundant and can be reused, while the lid is still plastic because it has several advantage like being clean for customer as it is in contact with his lips."
Paper cups design
via Asya Donskih
Paper cups design.
Paper Smile Cup
via JungJun Park
paper cup to deliver the message of happiness to the people.
coffee cups
via cheeming boey
set of 4 asian tattoo inspired works. "khünbish" (not human)
left to right : "naranbaatar", "katsuro","sha baihu" amd "deathcoil".
Drink Drank Drunk
via Olha Boiko
Alphabet from paper cups.
Paper Cup Design
via Cagil Aygen
Cup design for a cafe.
Papercup Design
via Luis Batlle
Paper cup design. Created with Adobe Illustrator.
Common Ground
via Lina Hultberg
The patterns work as distinguishing marks for different sizes of paper cups and coffee varieties.
Graphic Design has the power to save the Earth
via jefortyseven
"This is an awareness project to bring across the message to reduce pollution through graphic design. The 3 cups represent the different pollutions out Earth suffers. Air, Land and Sea pollution. Apart from bringing the awareness message across, each cup has their individual function."
Monk`s Cup - COFFEE SHOP Corporate identity
via Jan-Christian Bruun
"The idea in this project is that the designer want to create a coffee logo, where the theme is about jazz. The inspiration is coming from jazz, and the person you see on the logo is Thelonious Monk (jazz pianist)."
COFFEE SUPREME (New Zealand & Australia)
via Hardhat Design
18 different take-away cups:
6 large (black)
6 medium (white) and
6 red.
Every one with an individually hand-drawn illustration.
via Ekaterina Leontyeva
identity for coffee shop.