With proper branding, a restaurant can easily position itself in the public eye, so it could expect a character and right-segmented customer. Branding is becoming increasingly important for field of business related to lifestyle, such as restaurant with upscale segment. This is of course because of the guests will come not merely to eat, but also as the embodiment of social status, as a place of self-actualization, ‘to be seen’ and ‘accepted’ in certain circles. For this kind of business, well-designed visual identity will greatly help the development of branding.
Although in general the brand is synonymous with the brand and logo. It turns out that in the field there are a variety of other visual identities that you can use to help your restaurant brand development. So do not become monotonous in which branding methods glued to the trademarked name and logo designs.
Here below are examples of branding and visual identity can be a source of inspiration, and can be a guideline or reference for designing your own restaurant branding. You can learn from their restaurant logo, food packaging design, restaurant signage, restaurant menu design, even drink coaster designs.
30 Great and Restaurant Identity Designs and Branding, Carefully Handpicked
1. KrisKros designed by Noor Aghar
Designed by Noor Aghar, KrisKros is a restaurant of multinational cuisines that focuses on delivering the best tastes of Asia, America, and The Mediterranean. The restaurants branding has a geometric feel and a fun appearance.
2. Trout & Stout Restaurant Branding designed by Kelly Lender
I love the idea of the use of natural colors for a fish restaurant branding, combination of simple logo and natural colors induce an elegance feel at this restaurant branding.
3. The Dog House Restaurant designed by Lauren Prueter
A branding project that puts great typography techniques, and the dominance of black color to the designs.
4. CORE Bar/Restaurant Branding designed by Amy Sheehan
I love the selection of colors, and patterns that applied to some of these designs, such as menu design, and oh! a matchbox! But this looks more like a chocolate bar to me! Very nice work!
5. BrickStore Pub Branding designed by Georgette Blay
Brickstore is a pub with a great atmosphere and wide selection of beers, it also carrying some of the rarest beers in the United States. Because of their great atmosphere, the pub can get very hectic causing frustration for the guests trying to call their waiters.
I like the idea of 'May Day' block which can make it easier for guests to communicate with the pub waiter. It can be used as easily puts them at the end of your table, continue with your activities such as chat, the waiters will soon see your signal, and you come to help you.
6. PIKNIK restaurant branding designed by STUDIO POLKADOT
PICNIC is a shop and restaurant pasta, well as usual I always incorporating a design that looks quite elegant in my opinion, and this restaurant branding ought to be included into the showcase this time.
7. Unforked Restaurant branding designed by Laura Berglund
Healthy and quality food is not always compromising price, 'Unforked' present and took off the minds of most people that they know about food. Through the branding, this restaurant brings a new concept for food fresh, organic, and food at affordable prices. I love the creative words that are added to some of the collateral design. It brings a very different atmosphere.
8. Brick Store Pub Rebrand Illustrations designed by Jessica Gonzalez
The use of illustrations, wonderfully designed layout, proper use of 'white space' is really an interesting combination of the overall design.
9. Bonnet D'ane Restaurant branding designed by Anthony Verge
This is a school assignment of Anthony Verge, with the concept to recast the image of a restaurant in Quebec.
10. Something French designed by Chaine Paradis
Another great design! It's a very cool identity, although this is a student assignment. I loved it from several aspects. The logo is unique, and the use of natural materials as collateral strongly support the overall impression of the design. They made the design feel so warm and inviting.
11. United Kitchen designed by Dmitry Gerais
This is a great restaurant logo with a smart execution!
12. Julian Restaurant Branding designed by Jordan Gray
A very cool brand identity for a new restaurant environment. I love the use of the fun words as design element, the color selection used in the design is also very interesting.
13. Snowflake Restaurant branding designed by Plan b creative team
It's a fantastic, and elegant branding for an Italian gourmet restaurant.
14. Gaga Restaurant branding designed by Duygu Sanli
15. Varvary Restaurant and Bar branding designed by Shierly Dewi
16. RIFFLE NW branding designed by Hovercraft
17. Ortiga Restaurant branding designed by The Bearded
18. Collection Restaurant Branding designed by Jordan Gray
19. Sweet Chick branding designed by No Entry Design
20. Milly's Coffee House branding designed by Alex Milbourn
21. Leon's Full Service designed by Alexandra Rancier
22. Loading Bay Brand Development designed by Michelle Viljoen
23. Branding 品牌建置 Supreme Salmon 美威鮭魚 designed by Ming Island Design
24. Fatted Calf branding designed by Victoria Herrera
25. Tasca do Sol restaurant Branding designed by Guilherme de Bernardo S.
26. Las Canarias Restaurant branding designed by Alexandra Soranescu
27. Classic Burger Joint branding designed by Wondereight
28. Path restaurant designed by Daria Popovskaia
29. Branding LaPlanque designed by Jeremy Hall
30. Urban Plate designed by Chris Yoon
You can check out our earlier post for more cafe menu designs.