This is a weekly article on Jayce-o-Yesta Design Studio which contains compilation of interesting links on the internet universe every day. Intended as a medium to always follow the trends happening in the world of graphic design and visual arts, it includes a tutorial, inspiration, tips, information, and articles as a means of learning and self-development to make it better. Happy reading and enjoy!
1. Create Convincing Text-Shaped Buildings in Photoshop
This tutorial is amazing, combining images with text that is formed in three dimensions. The details are described in this tutorial will help improve skills in using Photoshop. | read more
2. The Designer’s Guide To Blogging
Design and blogging are increasingly inseparable. A lot of the designers who are serious in utilizing the Internet community as a medium of learning and interacting. One way is by blogging. This article will discuss the key points that could be useful for designers who want to start blogging. | read more
3. Amazing Canned Food Sculptures
In this article there is a collection of sculptures created from food cans. Very inspiring and amazing. Chek it out! | read more
4. Realistic 3D Models By Saphire Nishi
Saphire Nishi is a female 3D Modeler from the Netherlands. Her works are so amazing. They seem like a photograph, and realistic, although they are formed using a 3d model-based three-dimensional applications. | read more
5. 150 Scripts Photoshop to Enhance Your Creations
Here is a collection of free Photoshop script that you can download. Photoshop script is a set of recording effects and styles that can be applied automatically with just a single click, it helps to save time. | read more
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