Brief in logo design is like a flashlight in the dark, it must be turned on so that we can work quickly and safely. Brief was created for designers and clients can stay focused on the primary goal of designing a logo. Without a design brief, the project
being undertaken would be detrimental to both parties, both designer and client. Designers will work on something that may be beyond the client's expectations and goals, so it will result in a prolonged revision. As for clients, the expected goals of the logos that are designed to be beyond estimate.

So what can be asked in the design brief?
Each designer must have their own points when formulating a brief for the design. Nothing is absolute in this case, all depending on needs and projects. Maybe in general you who have never worked using the material of the brief to design a logo, can get a brief overview of the material below:
1) Basic information about the company name, or what should be incorporated into the logo? What is the advantage (plus point) of the company and what its vision and mission?

Contains basic questions about the entities that want a logo design. Start of content you need to include in a logo, to excellence and vision and mission. Through this question, designers try to identify the characteristics of the company to be able to conclude what steps to be prepared to begin the design process.
2) What is the purpose of the project? Is it because of competition, product identification, or enhance corporate image?

This question aimed to know the goals of the project to design a logo. What are the targets to be achieved through the client's new logo? By knowing the target / goal, then the designer has to know the opposite. Just how to strategize in order to output the design to be maximal and in accordance with what is expected.
3) Who are customers of the company? example: age, gender, occupation, socio / economic, employment, etc.. Did they already know about the product or service from the Company? name some company which are quite familiar to them?

This point is one vital part that must be included in the brief material. Basically, all logos aims to identify, recognize, and make connections between the target with the company. It is important to recognize the target consumers before designing. The aim is that the logo can be appropriately designed with appropriate targets.
4) Who are the competitors of the company? How different company from its competitors?

This point was focused on the competition on the market the company's sales. If the company turns out to have competitors, then it takes a strong differentiation between the client company with its competitors, this is one of the main tasks for the designers of the logo.
5) Are there any consideration of production? example: the logo should look good in the conditions of one color, especially when printed on the shirts. What are the media used to distribute the logo? (Print, web, etc.)

One of the aspects that affect the success or failure of a logo is very determined to how consistently the logo is applied / used. Talk about the use then we will talk about the media that will be used to display the logo. Consideration of production must first be considered by the designer before starting the design process.
6) Do you find some logos that interests you? Could you explain why?

It is important to know the taste of a client before starting to design the logo. Sometimes, clients taste and aesthetic considerations may be the final determinant of a design project.
7) Is there something specific that should be remembered by the audience after seeing the logo?

Sometimes some companies have their own 'selling points', it's such a characteristic that distinguishes it from others. And often clients want the 'selling points' to be more emphasized. The task for designers is to combine 'selling points' with the overall information gained from the brief without disturbing (or even destroy) the overall design process.
That's It!
This material is only a general idea of how to gather information in designing the logo through the brief. You can develop your own with a better version. I hope this will be usefull.