Graphic design is a profession that does not merely require focus, creativity, and high intellect, but they are also required to be communicative and able to bridge the client desires. Not infrequently, many graphic designers have a problem when dealing with customers who need their services. In fact, a designer is required to be able to provide solutions and client education related to the process, the workings and purpose of a graphic design. Because it would simplify the job and the domino effect of people's understanding of all relevant practices into graphic design.
Designers should have the ability to communicate direction and purpose. Communication is also known as interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication according to Muhammad (2005, p.158-159) is the process of exchanging information between a person with at least one or the other usually between two people who can instantly know it back. Of the theory, we can draw the conclusion that interpersonal communication is a dialogue conducted between individuals or between individuals in a group with specific goals and ways to get the desired results. Based on the above theory, interpersonal communication allows a designer to explain and provide understanding of the visual world to the consumer. It is given that graphic design is still classified into an exclusive type of work and not everyone will understand the purpose described by a graphic designer.
How to start?
According to DeVito (1997, p.259-264), Effectiveness of Interpersonal Communication begins with five general quality to be considered, namely openness, empathy, supportiveness, a positive attitude (positiveness), and equality.
1. Openness

In the dialogue on the principles of trust and honesty, disclosure of information in communication between individuals is emphasized. It gives effect to the awakening of mutual trust. So that if the trust is established, then the two or more individuals who are in dialogue will feel comfortable.
2. Empathy

Backrack Henry (1976) defines empathy as "a person's ability to 'know' what's happened to someone else at a certain time, of another person's point of view, through the eyes of someone else's." Sympathize, on the other hand is feeling for others or was involved in the topic being discussed. While empathy is to feel something like a person who experienced it, are in the same sense of drift in any talks that are being discussed. If empathy takes precedence in every communication, then the communicant will both understand each other and feeling each communicant will know how to respond to these feelings. Feelings that can also be given the experience, expectations, goals, ideals and desires. Empathy can be shown through body movements or by listening carefully and cautiously in response to any question or statement that comes out of the communicant. In graphic design, empathy can be simply described in the caring attitude of a graphic designer. Way they can understand the conditions, tastes, and expectations of clients for services that want to wear.
3. Supportiveness

Open communication and empathic does not occur in a setting that does not support. Every communicant must first show their support for what was said. Attitudes that have highlighted such as spontaneity, "yes" to what is said and do not provide solutions in advance if not asked.
4. Positiveness

Attitude and positive outlook are essential elements that can not be forgotten. Because a positive attitude can give new energy to the two people who are communicating. And a positive attitude to keep the atmosphere of dialogue is being built.
5. Equality

This is life, nothing more and nothing less. All must be on the basis of the balance. Anything less and nothing more. If one is lacking, then on the other side more. Similarly, if on the one side is less, then on the other hand there is excess. Therefore, any dialogue that is being built by two different human perspective, profession, social status, desire, and experience must have mutual respect and understanding will be any difference. If mutual respect is established, then every communicant will be easier to accept any differences that occur in dialog. So the purpose of dialogue is achieved directionally.
Thus the little tips that can be used to establish good interpersonal communication for graphic designers. You can practice on developing attitudes when communicating with clients. It is expected, with good communication, the purpose of the visual design process can be achieved. I hope this will inspire you.