Technology possession in this modern world is very important and there are many people who have big interest as well as necessity with technology in their life. However, we can assure that it does not mean that everyone who has interest as well as necessity about technology has the capability for utilizing the technology professionally because technology, which can be found today, is very wide. There are various kinds of technology use, which can be found today, and people usually will only be able to possess certain part of technology, which can be found in the world. Graphic design becomes one part of technology, which has important meaning today. Graphic design can be really potential way for gaining money nowadays but it does not mean that people have to work as employee in certain company with their ability in graphic design. In fact, there are many people who have talent as well as experience in graphic design who tries to be independent. Instead of becoming employee in certain company, they choose to become freelance graphic designer. They choose this option because they can be more flexible with their time but at the same time, they will be able to improve their income, as they like.

However, there are some problems, which can be found when people become freelance graphic designer and they have to find the solution for this problem if they want to be successful freelance graphic designer. Becoming freelancer in various fields including in graphic design makes people tend to be unorganized. However, it is important for people to get and stay organized even when they are working as graphic design freelancer. There are many talented designers who are failed to get success in this business just because they are unorganized. Graphic design freelancer should make timely manner to return the emails and phone calls. In freelance business, it is important for people to be reachable because this will be great way for attracting and building bond with their client or potential client. This simple way can be the key for getting long-term client after all. It is also necessary for people to check in on their clients in regular period of time. Keeping contact with client even when there is no project will make the client realize that their graphic design support will be at the first list anytime there is graphic design project. Getting referrals from the client must be clever way for lowering the marketing budget.

For being successful freelance graphic designer, people also need to upsell to the existing client about the upgrade or new service, which is offered. Offering example and suggestion to the client as after service will also be useful for building strong relationship with client. Work from home becomes very efficient working method, which can be done by freelance graphic designer to save money on office payment. This method will also offer them with tax benefits. For being successful, graphic design freelancers have to be disciplined and set boundaries. Last but not least, getting a Mac can be great investment for improving their graphic design service.