April 27, 2010

6 Ways to improve article quality

improve article qualityThe most interesting part of blogging is that we can learn and share at the same time. Blogging is a "nothing to lose" step and doesn't harm at all. In my opinion, with blogging we can build friendships and a broader network.

In the last few months I saw many blogs started popping up local design, it would mean a very good indication! I hope that growth can be increased in number and of course with quality contents. Talk about quality , we are talking about the core meaning of the blog itself, its the content!

If the content is mediocre and can be found on another blog, then we will easily forget these blogs. So how to improve the quality of blog articles to us? Here are some ways that can be used for new bloggers or for you who already have their own design blog.

improve article quality
1. Riset
I like this section, the most recent articles written by me is the result of internet research. Because I dont really mastered a few topics that will be my point. So I had to 'learn' first with doing research for a few days or several hours.

For example, such as an article on "Scope of Graphic Design", really I was not giving too much attention to some elements that are discussed in that article, but because the basic ideas already there (Scope of Graphic Design) then I was just take the time to learn another designer portfolio website, read a few articles that are related and so forth.

Do research so that articles we write will have a solid foundation.

2. Make a draft of some important points
improve article quality
While doing research we will find some important points that we can use as the backbone of our articles. Note the points by using Penzu or just write it on a paper.
From that points, we can develop a sentence or paragraph that will facilitate support when we write it later.

In addition, people also prefer to read the article in form of points instead of paragraphs all of which are too long and tiring.

3. Use the right image
improve article quality
To strengthen your article, you could use an appropriate image that related to the topic we are talking about. In addition to support functions, images can also be a place of 'rest' for our eyes in between paragraphs of the article.
It would be great, for the main image (which will appear at the beginning of the article) is our own design or drawing.

In addition to already be a necessity for designers, it also gives a personal touch on every article we write (even if you only play with the typography, it's very meaningful!)

And of course, who doesn't like the illustration or an interesting photo ?

4. Do not rush
improve article quality
never directly hit the 'publish' after we finished writing. Let down for two hours until one day, then re-read our writing. If necessary, double-check the words that we used, in case there may be some sentences that sounded strange, the link that has not been added or we can find pictures of a more suitable and appropriate.

Relax, just save first all of your writings as a 'Draft'. Unless you are 'news' style blogger-type which may impose to be the fastest in public.

5. Review
improve article quality
I used to hit the 'preview' first after finished writing. With it, we can see clearly and definitely, what would our article like. Notice if we forget to give H2 or H3 tags, cutting the sentence (text warp) make sure its orderly, all details

should be checked even though it ranks only words.

6.Listen to readers
improve article quality
This mode is very easy, try to monitor comments on your blog, see if there any discussion there? or there are readers who give feedback? Impregnated them all and use the results as an idea for your next article.

This way you know where the article that the reader likes and what kind of articles could be fun to make it as a discussion. In addition, the number of comments can not be a reference, but the point of the comment it self. Happy Bloggin'!

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Hey you! Howz it going? Life has been real fast for me for the last few days. Sorry that I got a chance to drop by just now.

This is a very good article. Too often we writers don't bother to listen to readers/our audience. That is vital. :)

You had asked me about PTCs. I believe I replied to you on that. But on another note, have you tried logo design and such on freelancing sites?


Hi Rox! im good ;) how are you? It's okay and thanks for your time.

And ya, iv asked you about it, i didnt try any logo Design yet,btw if you dont mind can I have your MSN/YM? so that we can talk further. Please email me: rockedelica@yahoo.com


hi Yesta, thanks for the tips, when I'm doing my posts I've tried to do all those things and I can say it's effective, even if I already published the post, I always review it and make some changes or editing if necessary.


my pleasure, and hope I wrote the worthy ways ;)
keep the blog spirit!



Sweet blog. Thanks for the follow.
