We as designers are daily filled with things related to emotion, aesthetics and art. We need to know the extent to which our brain works well to manage it. Sometimes we do not have the art skills and so was not awarded the design aesthetic talent, but still only because we love, like and want to explore that area so it's good to know the personality of the left and right brain in terms of design.
I was amazed when there is a book that talks about this, Awaken the Giant Within (made by Anthony Robbins, one of the world's most expensive speakers) that seeks to uncover what lies within us to become full potential. What then my associate in the design world. This article may be used as an alternative for the study of design, especially for a self-taught. This test will determine what type of personality you have, so you can do something through it. It may be accurate and maybe not, although this I get from various sources that support, just try and maybe you get the benefits.
First you will determine which parts of the brain (left or right, even if you only have one brain) that is predominantly used. This will be divided into two parts and the combination of results will lead you to determine the personality you have.
Part one
Put your hands clasped as in prayer. If you see:
* Left thumb under the right thumb, then you are left brain dominant user.
* Right thumb under the left thumb, then you are right brain dominant user.

in the picture above the left thumb under the right thumb, then the means of use of the right brain is more dominant.
Part two
Fold your arms in front of the chest, If you see:
* Right arm above your left arm, then you are left-brain user
* Left arm is above your right arm, then you are right-brain user

Erratum:in the picture above right arm is above the left arm, which means the user left-brain dominant.
Left and right combination
So, what does it mean? Based on combined results obtained from these tests (steps one and two should not be reversed) you have got a series of interpretation of your personality.
Right, Left
Full consideration, traditional, indirect type
Instinctively read the emotions of other people and friendly to everyone naturally. Though not too deep to take the initiative to move 'forward', but people with this type will always support someone else.
Is a stable personality and full consideration in doing something, give others a feeling of being protected by someone with this type.
The downside is they can not say no to a case directly, although they do not wish to do so they will always be to care about other people. They will help others though have no interest in it.
In the world of design, this type (the full consideration) would really think about the concept and make sure if it was ready. Because like something simple, usually what they produce is also simple and easily digested by others, the brand does not like anything complicated. Remember! Sometimes design briefs from clients often provide rules and assignment of the 'complicated' and complex, but they do with a simple. This makes them tend to often talk with clients.
Right, Right
Like the challenge and do not like pleasantries (straight type)
When they have determined what they will do so as soon as possible. They also really like to try and also like things related to the challenge. Dare to face the dangers / risks without thinking (which sometimes do something silly).
The downside is they do not hear the words or advice from others, they will think twice or think about it if they really hope for what they want to hear it in a conversation and one thing (they will listen to you only if they think it's interesting .) However, because they do not like small talk they tend to be someone who is popular.
People who have this personality is considered very suitable in the field of design and art. As we know the right brain is dominantly used in the design field. Because they like the challenge, they love to explore new things, new ways, think 'outside the box', which made him have a chance to find concepts or new design ideas.
They are also very powerful imagination. Well, it should also be reminded sometimes they are not skilled in doing something (read my article about the triangle of science, art and skills in the next post), so they are better suited to be a concept bank and creative team.
Left, Left
Dedicated high, cold, and perfectionist
Always rely on logic in every action and every aspect. To beat or to persuade them is with a reason and considerations. Having a lot of pride and feel great in doing something. If they are your friend, they are very reliable. However, if they become your opponent, they are a formidable opponent. Because they can talk like a perfectionist, they often leave a bad impression which makes it very difficult to care on the first met.
People with this type of personality is very difficult to adapt in the field of design (does not mean they can not), there are various ways so that we can use our right brain optimally. Nevertheless the results of the design they create usually takes a long time, research and observation they make as much as they want and often make their designs become a 'wow' because of their high dedication.
Left, Right
Like care about other people, the type of leader
They have good speaking ability and wit to adjust the situation and existing conditions, while still considering the needs of others. Because they are cool and calm or quiet, have a sense of high responsibility, they will tend to be the leader of a group. Became popular among the people around.
However, they could not help the lives or personal interests in terms of 'dividing or mixing these two things, because they want too much care for other people. Very concerned about how others view them and always alert.
They like something to do with observation and research. As well as we understand, in the field of visual communication, we also struggle with things like that. However, somewhat less able to imagine. They define something based on the principles and concepts. When they would describe the results of the concept of observation, they are less able to process them in a visual form. Like we know something, it seems very close, but it is difficult to be expressed in words.
when you design or conduct our daily work in the field of design, you will behave like what comes out of the test mentioned above. Indeed, this is not directly related to the field of design. However, when doing something in between the creative process of design, you will surely behave properly what is in the results of this test. This is the main point of my consideration.
So, what about you? What is your type? and Is this accurate?
This is the most admirable topic for me. Since i've been given one book about right brain & left brain for preparation on tv chat a few years ago,it remain still in my mind.
ReplyAnd i guess i'm a LEFT RIGHT person:)
yeah, it's also very interesting for me, and one of the factors that has encouraged me to write about. Talk about the brain is always interesting. It has no end! human brain is incredible. -Thankyou,fazrul
ReplyI'm confused with your results on step 2.
Reply* Right arm above your left arm, then you are left-brain user
* Left arm is above your right arm, then you are right-brain
"user in the picture above right arm is above the left arm, which means the user right-brain dominant."
If the user has their right arm above their left, doesn't that make them left-brain based off the first instructions? Please clarify
Neil, You are very observant! Yes, it was a mistake in the caption. It has been written:
Reply"in the picture above right arm is above the left arm, which means the user right-brain dominant."
instead of
"in the picture above right arm is above the left arm, which means the user left-brain dominant."
And I've just corrected it,
Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog. Please come back anytime!
ReplyThanks for your visit and comment, the doors of the club are always open for you - Cheers
@entertainment book @Rewards program @G@ Pallet Stackers => Thanks for all the encouraging comments!
ReplyIn the results two options are same : Left Right
ReplyOne of them should be Right Left??
Replysorry for the inaccuracy when writing this post. but I've just corrected it - it's the first one that should be 'Right Left'.
Very interesting post, I didn't made before such a test, it seems that I'm a "right brain"
Replyi am pretty sure the left brain controls the right part of the body so everything said here is the opposite, if u have ur left thumb over right it means u are right brain dominant
Replycool.. I've been searching for this. thanks! :D
ReplySee, I don't take this to be that reliable because I'm left, left and while some of it fits a lot of it doesn't. For one thing, I'm about as far as a perfectionist as one can get and for another I'm definitely not reliable (not a good this, i know).
ReplyDo your combination definitions refer to your thumb and arm position ( I E., Left thumb, right arm)? Or, do they referred to your brain function determined by those exercises?
ReplyI ask because I was left thumb and left arm and was reading the definition of Right, Right (because of brain function) but it seems that Left, Left seems to fit me better.
Maybe you can clarify this in the definitions by saying Left Thumb, Left Arm (for example).