April 15, 2011

Good Tips for Continuous Blog Post Writing

Tips for Continuous Blog Post Writing
I've mentioned a few tips on what graphic designers should be written into their blog ("7 Blog Post Ideas for Graphic Designers"). But to write a blog item required consistency, it must be written in a continuous or sustained, I recommend to at least write one post a week.

However, to become productive in writing is a separate issue, especially if you have to write in a sustainable and continuous. But nothing is impossible in this world as well as writing a blog. Here are some tips to make your blog not only to keep it filled at any time but continuously.

Be sensitive: Open your eyes, ears, heart, and mind...

Okay, so that is maybe a bit cliché, but this is the most effective tips for those who want to remain able to write blog content regularly.

It doesn't matter about what content you write on your blog, and it's not about freelance work what you do, the sensitivity can make you see things may not be visible to others, and this is something good for your writing materials. The sensitivity allows you to be able to see things that may not be seen by others, and this is something good for your writing materials.

Read more, and more

Tips for Continuous Blog Post Writing

A writer once said that good writers are also good readers, writing and reading are two-sided coin that can not be separated. By reading you can add content as the source of your writing material.

A lot of inspiration that you can rewrite, or by adding other information then you already have written works that might be of material other people if you load it on your blog, so it's no longer about your blog that are filled continuously, but will also 'strengthen' your blog (personal branding).

Write about anything interesting

Tips for Continuous Blog Post Writing

A hobby that became a job often times work for entrepreneurs, it is because they enjoyed the work that is also their hobby, as well as writing. If you find something interesting, then write it.

The most exciting thing is to write about anything interesting.

Don't be afraid

Tips for Continuous Blog Post Writing

Having a lot of blog readers? Or have a large following in your twitter account and often times it makes hesitate to publish or write a thing?

Don't be! Even if the fear is quite disturbing then I suggest you to keep writing and publish it, of course with careful consideration and thorough editing process as well.

You will never get opinions from your blog readers until they read it, it is important to keep your writing doesn't offend others or a particular party. If you find that your own writing scorned by some folks, even many comments in the comment section of your blog, don't be afraid, I believe that among many readers of your blog there are some who love your writing and waiting for you to write again.

Take the risks

Tips for Continuous Blog Post Writing

Well, the next process of the commitment in writing a blog is taking a risk, this mainly for writing a blog that contains the exact information that must be accurate and there should be no mistake, say the date or the writing that makes your idea against another.

As I said before, don't be afraid, take the risk and face it. If you write seriously, read a variety of information, complete with valid data with the right resources, and do the well editing process, then you will be able by itself to know about how to defend your views contained in your blog posts.

If your readers are people with an open mind, then they must accept your writing and consider it as new information to open a space of debate, rather than an attack to reply.

Don't delay

Tips for Continuous Blog Post Writing

As usual I always put the most important thing in the end. The most important of continuous blogging is do not delay.

Perform the following points whenever you get the idea: make some notes, make sketches or write directly, never put off and do not expect the idea will come back, sometimes the ideas just go and when you try to remember they like will never come back.

When you read an interesting thing you can write in your notes, or when you watch a movie that is very interesting and encourage you to write a review, or if you accidentally see a web design you like and encourage you to write or discuss design, then immediately write down some notes and points that you write, then bunch of words and post it on your blog.

Delaying is sometimes fun, because you will be free of 'obligation' to fill your blog, but this is an 'acute illness' that unwittingly will make your blog will not be filled continuously.
There are many ways you can do to keep the blogs that you manage to populate the content that is interesting and runs continuously, but some tips above includes a few basic ways to make your blog is constantly filled, hopefully this can all be beneficial for you.

Do you have tips or other ideas? The comments field awaits you!!

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awesome post.its really so helpful tips.i found it so much useful.thanking you for the sharing.


Such an useful and informative post. I totally agree with all the advices you share here and I'll follow them for sure.


its such a nice advice & tips.i found that it can inspire anybody.good writting skill.


Thanks for the tips. I totally agree, nothing if more frustrating than going to a site that is never updated. Really make you wondering it is still under operation.
