Book Design: to make a book really hard to forget, designers need to design the book in a striking, unique and creative way. So, I've compiled a list of 14 beautifully designed book design that I find inspiring. There are thousands of good book designs; I’ve selected only few ones which are excellent in my humble opinion. All book design posted are the copyright of their respective holders.
14 Beautiful Book Design for Inspiration
1. Student Work Beautiful Book Design Inspiration Designed by John Cook

“A hand-stitched notebook with a cover made from an original guide map of the 1938 World’s Fair (that was the cool one with all the futurism). The gap in the spine is a necessary characteristic of the type of stitch used on this book (button-hole stitch), and I decided to extend it into an arrow shape on the cover to underline the map concept.”
2. Matter New Year Gift Beautiful Book Design Inspiration Designed by Matter Strategic Design

Matter Strategic Design created these 2 custom notebooks housed in a zipper-perfed mailer as New Years gift to their clients.
3. Cass Art Beautiful Book Design Inspiration Designed by Pentagram

“For the last 10 years Pentagram’s Angus Hyland and Cass Art have worked together to shake up the traditional art materials retailer with a completely different approach to selling and design. Cass Art are now launching their first product range of pads. Their immediate and aspirational styling exemplify Cass Art’s mission to ‘fill this town with artists’.”
4. Librito de mí Beautiful Book Design Inspiration Designed by Atolón de Mororoa

“Librito de mí” creates personalized kids books, a child will be the book’s protagonist, with his pet, parents, grandparents, or any other character the client wants to add.
Each kids gets an unique history in all aspects, written and designed especially for him. The packaging needed to be low cost of production so we decided that the design had an artisan resolution, not only to lower production costs but to convey the warmth and originality of the product.”
5. ILoveDust x Macho Man Randy Savage Beautiful Book Design Inspiration Designed by ILoveDust

“Macho Man Randy Savage, has got to be the most unique and idiosyncratic character in the history of professional wresting. There’s really no one else like him and he defies all attempts at labelling or categorisation. He was a writhing muscular mass of bizarre ticks and personal mannerisms, clad in an ever-changing, endless wardrobe of hyper-flamboyant colours. A true one off, a heavy metal neon cowboy. What better muse for ilovedust?”
6. Reel Art Press Beautiful Book Design Inspiration Designed by Progress Packaging

These boxes were designed for Real Art Press to hold limited edition books on the Rat Pack and Bill Gold: PosterWorks.
7. Wooden Toy Quarterly Book Design Inspiration Designed by Timba Smits

Wooden Toy Quarterly is a heavily designed ‘Boogazine’, half Book, half Magazine. For the new music edition they’ve packaged it in this illustration driven Toybox.
“In the toybox comes one 150 page magazine (230mm x 230mm), an artist print, a 40 page type zine and a certificate of authenticity because these babies are limited edition (only 5000 made) ,and all hand assembled by myself and some friends! For this edition I added a special radial cut to my toybox to reference a record cover. The print shows through the radial cut to further reference a record.”
8. 5th Gymnasium Book Design Inspiration Designed by Bruketa&Zinic OM

“This is a monograph for one of the best and oldest high-schools in Zagreb, the 5th Gymnasium. We packaged the book in a pencil-case filled with school utensils (pens, pencils, rulers, etc.) Everything was custom made for this project and branded with school’s visual identity. The school’s curriculum emphasizes mathematics – this idea is reflected in visual identity (upside-down 5 reads like a G).”
9. Juniper Park Moleskine Book Design Inspiration Designed byJuniper Park

“Two different sets of Moleskine volant notebooks, one with high-intensity colors, the other with a lighter palette, were created for the agency in December 2009. Each notebook features a different slogan, among these, “Opportunities aren’t given, they’re made,” “Take your work seriously and yourself, less so,” and “Don’t just sit there, create something,” all in bold capital type embossed on the cover. The agency’s logo is embossed on the back cover and is featured in repetition on the paper band enveloping each set.”
10. Ornge Book Design Inspiration Designed byTop Drawer Creative

“The task [was] to create the first Year in Review for this newly privatized company. They wanted something special, that would be noticed, read, looked at and kept. We wanted to package this in a unique and relevant way and pitched to the client that the actual book could be put in a custom made ³IV² bag. We had to take it all the way to a Chinese IV bag manufacturer where the bags was made. Only 500 of them were produced.”
11. Changzhi Lee Portfolio Book Design Inspiration Designed byChangzhi Lee

Changzhi Lee sent us his portfolio package that he put together to present work when applying for his junior year internship program.
“As I was applying to a design company that believed in environmental sustainability as its key philosophy, I constructed a paper pop up out of paper left over from my other school projects!”
12. LOVE HELSINKI Book Design Inspiration Designed bylovehelsinki

This is a great example of how low-tech, and low-budget can still look great.
“LOVE HELSINKI is a coffee table exhibition about interesting and stunning things in the city that have inspired three graphic designers. The exhibition set consists of 12 graphic artworks made in coaster format.”
13. New York Book Design Inspiration

Swedish designer Henrik Persson of Become just brought this lovely book package to our attention. I love the amount of work and thought that went into this custom piece. More detailed photos after the jump.
“The book weighs 16 kgs (half meter high when standing on floor) and comes in a vertical standing packaging/display stand made in perspex that literally looks like a building/skyscraper.”
14. Arkitip Issue No. 0048