This is a weekly article on Jayce-o-Yesta Design Studio which contains compilation of interesting links on the internet universe every day. Intended as a medium to always follow the trends happening in the world of graphic design and visual arts, it includes a tutorial, inspiration, tips, information, and articles as a means of learning and self-development to make it better. Happy reading and enjoy!
1. How to Create a Self Portrait in a Geometric Style

This creative tutorial will explain to you about how to create a geometric style self portrait using Adobe Illustrator. | read more
2. Design Charts for Better Typography and Color

Diverse set of infographic which contains information about typography and color. These infographics is well designed so it is easy to understand. This article can be very useful for you who want to explore more about typography and color. | read more
3. The Design Community Offers Its Favorite Bits of Advice

A collection of useful suggestions from the design community around the world. There will be many lessons that you can absorb through this article. | read more
4. The Distorted Street Faces of Andre Muniz Gonzaga

Andre Muniz Gonzaga is a Brazilian street artist, his work mixes abstraction and surrealism, a form of street art in distorted face shape style. Quite strange, unusual yet inspirational! | read more
5. 60+ Really Cool And Creative Error 404 Pages

404 error page is so commonly encountered, it's when a page on a website can not be accessed due to several things. And here is a collection of creative and inspiriational 404 error pages! | read more