February 5, 2013

The Role of Color in Graphic Design: Why Color Matters?

The Role of Color in Graphic Design
As a designer we should pay attention to the little things, especially the one which can make the design work to be perfect. Color is the most important part in a design. The use and selection of the right colors can give a good impression, it can even make your design emerged as a remarkable work.

The Role of Color in Graphic Design

In everyday life we can not escape from the colors, starting from room paint color rendition, and you then see the color of the tiles in your toilet room, towels, clothes, dining table and many colors that we might see in trips to campus or office. But sometimes we are a bit disturbed at the sight of a bad color combinations in use in a design. That's why you have to be careful in choosing colors that will be used primarily for your design work.
A designer should have enough knowledge about color theory, because even the best design will still look bad in the eyes of the audience, if a designer ignore the principles of color theory.

Why Color Matters?

The Role of Color in Graphic Design

We certainly can not deny the importance of color in everyday life. Color played vital an important role in making something that is supposed to be beautiful to look ugly, and vice versa. This is because it is easier to absorb something through / in visual form and color play a role there.

Basically, the color can change the way we think, we may notice that some colors can bring a very soothing effect to the eyes and brain and some other colors can only disturb us.

Because each color has its own meaning and each color represents each message to be delivered. When choosing colors, you should eliminate the nature of the "ego" in its application to the design. You do not solely determine certain color scheme just because you feel that the designs already look perfect with your favorite colors. Thing you need to ask yourself is: "Are the designs have been able to convey the right message to the audience?"

"It's not only the shape, the color should also be able to deliver the message to the audience"


Why Color Matters?

The right color choice will give a proper impression of the designs, and make sure that the colors used are true representations of your design (eg logo / brand, etc.). If you are using two or three colors together in a design, just make sure the colors look harmonious.

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