Layout in a newspaper has three main functions:
- To sell the news (offer / sell the news)
- To grade the news set the tone (determine the ranking of news)
- To guide the readers (guides the reader to the things that should be read first)
Adjusting the reader’s eye movements makes the layout of a newspaper.
In preparing the layout of a newspaper, it is necessary to have knowledge about the type and color of font or typeface, besides an artistic soul. Because of the size of the font for headlines, long story, and a large color photograph or writing affects the reader's eye. The position of a message, the content and patterns used are all designed to facilitate the reader in scanning. Thus, newspaper layout needs to be adjusted to its target audience.
Awesome Newspaper Layout Examples
The layout designers, which have only one objective, which is about how to make the reader to be comfortable while reading, will carry out various methods and so the reader can quickly capture information to be conveyed in the news or contents. Below are just a few examples of how designers have used awesome layout for their newspaper design project.
1. ISTD 2013 - The Unsung Hero via Jura Afanasjevs

2. Lorem Ipsum via Diana Kettern

3. Doku Daily Newspaper Layout via Erdis Driza


5. 5 BRGHS Magazine via Esther Li

6. Jornal Mais Oeste via Joana Santos

7. west attica | newspaper via Thodoris Manolopoulos

8. Word On The Street Newspaper & Style Guide via Todd DeRemigis

9. Newspaper Design via Candace Hensarling

10. The New York Times Layouts via Travis Vargas

11. Smoking breaks newspaper via Polina Tyurnikova

12. Thiers Newspaper via Cerise H.

13. Information Hierarchy in Portuguese Weekly Newspapers via Kateryna Mishyna

14. Dreamland Newspaper via Laura Strange

15. Strathclyde Telegraph via Craig Adams

16. You've Seen the Future Before via Adam Drake

17. Café littéraire via CONCEPT MACHINE

18. The Universe Letterbox via Marjory Kho

19. Panther Prints via Trudy Vinson

20. 5 Boros via Kate Allaire

21. Modern Architecture In Film via Sam Lane

22. BOMBARDMENT via Chris Benfield

23. Journal Galerie Vis à Vis via Daphne Aboulker

24. PARIS ÉROTIQUE via Lena Caussimon

25. Also sprach Zarathustra - Editorial Project (Basel) via Tim Roth

26. curriculum via josefine p

27. Already seen via Anneliese Shieff

28. What is Research? Publishing and Narrative via Hope Aylen

29. My Heritage Paper via Elena Lujan

30. Finance Weekend via Mojca Zavolovsek

Newspaper Layout Design
Based on its type, newspaper layout can be divided into seven sections:#1 Symmetrical layout

Also called foundry / vertical layout, because it looks like a clothesline, the location of the news balanced. Layout of this type usually used to organize the classified ads.
#2 Informal balance layout

This type of layout is widely used by newspapers that want to pursue the perfection of a balance. Black picture would be better if placed on the right top of a page, and it will look 'heavy' if placed in the bottom of the page.
#3 Quadrat layout or rectangular layout

It is best used on newspapers to be sold at retail on the curb, because the newspaper will quadruple, and in a quarter of the visible part will be disclosed news of the most interesting or important.
#4 Brace layout

Highlighting big news, layout like this often uses "Banner Headlines", the long title. Important news is placed to the right of the newspaper, so it binds the reader a view in that direction, then the other titles on the left, and right again.
#5 Circus layout or Carnival layout

Because of the height of the front page, all the headlines can be displayed on the first page, and then it continued on another page. This layout is often used in weekly newspapers.
#6 Horizontal layout

Headlines can be made horizontally, with the contents of the news that is not too long.
#7 Function layout
Depending on the development of the hard news content. When things happen unusually often used the so-called "heads skyline". Weekly newspapers also often use this layout.
Newspaper Layout Tips
Layout should follow the reader's eye habits, which rotates from left to right, advertising or sponsorship should not be placed on the main page. If a newspaper has a color, it should not be too much to use more colors, the editor should be able to learn or pick an artist who understands the meaning of color. Always remember that the written word is not to please the news source, but for the benefit of the readers.Column forms layout is important for the newspaper, but other than that there is another one that is not less important, the white space. The use of white space is useful to help the reader focus on the main content; white space also separates the elements. Proper use of empty space also helps the reader to enjoy a newspaper page, so that makes the reader feel more comfortable. White space is usually well placed as the distance between the news with advertising.
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