May 3, 2010

10 Tips to : Optimize theText as an Effective Visual Message

Talk about graphic design, it is associated with: the communication or delivery of messages through the visual. Communication is an important factor in graphic design beside of aesthetics or art of presenting the visual message.

In visual communication, text become a very important element. The use of text in the message delivery is very effective because of its ability to deliver the message in detail and more detail. However, delivery of messages through the text can not always be as effective as expected. Some fatal errors may causing a bad impression and obscures the contents of a message.

Here are some tips from jayce-o-Yesta about way in making the text becomes an effective means of delivering messages through visual design.

1. choose appropriate font / typeface

Effective Visual Message

Every font has its own characteristic that serves the message. example: If you want to convey a message in an elegant and professional impression, then you should choose a font that is clear, clean and elegant. Conversely, do not use fonts that have a fun character, cheerful, and childish for such messages.

2. Message Focus

Effective Visual Message

Graphic designer demanded to guide the reader well. Therefore, in making the text as a visual message, we recommend first Sort the types of messages to be conveyed. Let the reader to easily identify what should be read first and what will be read later.

3. The Grid

Effective Visual Message

Notice the fine grid between one part of the text with another. Do not let it look messy and unprofessional so as not to attract attention.

4. Don't Use Too Many Fonts character

Effective Visual Message

Continue using a maximum of two or three fonts in a design. Do not use too many fonts. Because, besides going to look messy, it can also obscure the contents of the message so that the destination of the message will not be submitted better

5. Kerning

Effective Visual Message

Kerning is the spacing between letters. Provide adequate spacing between letters, not too close and not too too far.

6. Proportional Form Text

Effective Visual Message

Each font should be designed taking into account various things. Do not arbitrarily modify a proportional font, such as changing or tugged the shape

7. The contrast

Effective Visual Message

keep the contrast between the text with the background to make the message easier to visual readers. The contrast is not good not only makes the text unreadable, but also makes the eyes sore. A bit of information: a highly visual Readers hate with things like this.

8. Paragraph Width

Effective Visual Message

Do not leave the reader shaking his head so far as to read line per line the message body. it was very tiring (of course), Beside The reader will lose focus on the rows of paragraphs that they read.

9. White Space

Effective Visual Message

White space is space that serves to give emphasis to the message inside. Give a little margin or space around the text. This is very good to make the message look elegant and provide a good focus to the message. In addition, make sure that good design does not seem too crowded. Remember! more fully, the reader will be more distant.

10. Select the font which easy to read

Effective Visual Message

From now on, stop putting charm with unique fonts and strange to your design. Because it's not the purpose of the design. We want to communicate, to convey the message to reach the consumers. Font types are difficult to read or bizarre will make readers away. Imagine if there was a billboard-edge of the road. Road users must be readers who will read it once a cross, they do not have time to get closer to the billboard and one by one to spell. Remember! visual readers were very busy, so we must be clever! So what dya think? :)

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Wow! This is lovely stuff. Visual aid is so important when you are writing a post like this. Great stuff.

About your questions--
1) Freelancing: I take up writing/blogging/rewriting/blogging/SEO/editing/transcription.
This is when I find the

2)Social spark: I need to wait for 3 more months. I started my blog in dec 2009. But after dec, I started blogging only in April They need 3 months of consistent activity :p. So I will get back 3 months from now.

Thanks for dropping by! :)


What a great post! These are things that would seem to be common sense, but that many people would never think about. This is a really lovely way to get that information across clearly! I love your examples!

Also, Thanks for stopping by to become a follower on my blog! I love meeting new people through blogging! <3


@Rox:yupp another visual aid lol..

welldone! You must be getting busy down there ;)

@Jen: yup, You're right, its very common even though so rare person who implements it, or maybe they just dont have time to think about. anyways thankies for the credits, really apreciated!

ya, thanks for following me back too, I'll visit your page later in your next update :) nice to know you :)


Thanks for the good post. Many of these suggestions are solid. I know some people may not thing of them. Your used some really good example that make it tangible for most. It's all about implementation from my point of view.


Awesome post. I needed something like this, your examples are really good.
I recognize I have made some big mistakes like those the bad examples in your post but I won't make them anymore. Thanks for this post, really useful tips.
