It has been a while since we last showcased design related packaging on Jayce-o. Today, we like to showcase 25 Honey Packaging Designs to inspire you.
"Honey gathering activities allegedly been going on since 10,000 years ago. At first, people over use honey as food. Now not only the use of honey as a sweetener but also as a source for energy, to heal wounds, as antibiotics, and even therapy."When entering a department store, you will find a lot of honey products that line, as well as striking. They dominate other similar products. Dominance is used as a strategy to strengthen the marketing of consumer awareness of a product. This powerful and accurate manner; Consumers will determine one of the best honey products (for quantity), and they will feel that the product is an alternative to the usual products they use.
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It is very likely if it is packaged in attractive way, also has a charming design, especially when it's laid out on the storefront. It's time entrepreneurs and small and medium businesses aware of this important matter. That good and attractive packaging is necessary and crucial if neglected.
In this post I have rounded up 25 Beautiful and Creative Honey Packaging Designs to inspire you! Enjoy.
25 Beautiful Honey Packaging Designs Inspiration
1. Goris Honey Packaging and Label Designed by Lilit Shahbazyan

2. Organic Honey packaging concept Designed by Marcel Buerkle

A new and unique way to package honey. A clean, minimalistic logo and branding using a elegant and simple typefaces upon large white space or canvas gives the design a distinctive and sophisticated appeal.
3. BEEloved Honey Packaging Designed by Tamara Mihajlovic

New brand made as a school&personal project.
4. WAIHEKE HONEY CO. Honey Packaging Designed by Jason Fantonial

It is a raw honey, unpasterized, unfilterd, unblended and extracted and packed from a single hive to give you an experience of honey the way it naturally should be.
5. Molnár Méhészet Honey Packaging Designed by Krisztina Berta

6. Yggdrasil Honey Packaging Designed by Martine Hage

The design is inspired by the histories of the viking gods and norse mythology. It is said that honey drops falls from the leaves of Yggdrasil, the world tree. When the gods held their counsils, they gathered around this tree.
7. Quinta Colheita Honey Packaging Designed by Filipa Serra

Project developed in schools, whose aim was to develop a concept for a fifth and further develop the graphic material disclosure and its package of products produced by the farm.
8. Casa De Portugal Honey Packaging Designed by woodlake design studio

An elegant approach for honey packaging.
9. Doce Cielos Honey Packaging Designed by Anagrama

"The packaging design praises the great variety of honey varieties using a categorization based visual system and nomenclature. The typography is meant to convey the cleanliness and elegance of the product."
10. Radosevic Family Beekeeping Honey Packaging Designed by Leo Vinkovic

Radosevic Family Beekeeping identity and package.
11. Thyme Honey from Kythera Honey Packaging Designed by George Voulgarakis

Promotional package for the Beekeepers' Association of Cythera thyme honey.
12. Honningcentralens Smakshonning Honey Packaging Designed by Marius Sunde

"Smakshonning is a new range of honey with added flavor from Honningcentralen, Norway's leading honey producer. The idea was to create a chemistry inspired bottle, to emphasize the applicability of honey within gastronomy."
13. Leśna Pasieka Honey Packaging Designed by Piotr Podgorski

For each type of honey appropriate label was designed, avoiding common bees and honeycomb elements.
14. HONEY Packaging Designed by Dimitris, PAD

A modern and minimalistic approach for a premium organic honey.
15. Babees Honey Packaging Designed by Ah&Oh Studio

Babees Honey | Honey package design by Ah&Oh Studio.
16. Urban Honey Packaging Designed by Maisie Benson

17. Everything but Bread Honey Packaging Designed by Julia Taborskaya

"A set of jars for a fictional brand "Everything but Bread". The set includes a jar of honey, jam, peanut butter, and chocolate spread."
18. Mieles del Desierto Honey Packaging Designed by Juanjo Marnetti

The aim of this pack is to highlight the quality and nature of the product. That's why the most relevant of the label, is the plot of the honeycomb.
19. B Honey Packaging Designed by Gavin Thompson

"A printed sleeve/box with 18 individual honey containers inside. "B Honey" was intended to be a simple and approachable retail product with a child-like appeal."
20. Honey, I'm Home Honey Packaging Designed by Alisara Tareekes

"The shape of the jar is hexagon to mimic the hexagonal honey comb structure. For the gift set, a wooden box is crafted to look like a modern honey frame that is filled with honey in each space. The jars are arranged at random to reflect natures randomness."
21. ABUZZ: NYC Rooftop Honey Packaging Designed by Andrew July Scott

"Created the ABUZZ brand and packaging concept. Based on the busy nature of bees, especially the one's here in NYC. The images on the labels are aerial views from all five boroughs, from which the honey would originate."
22. honey moon Honey Packaging Designed by Marco Marras

23. Opplev honning Honey Packaging Designed by Jørgen Brynhildsvoll

Fresh packaging for honey product.
24. Honey packaging concepts Designed by Orsi Frey

Honey packaging concepts.
25. Honey Package Design by Ersin Kayabasi

an elegant honey package design.